Thursday, April 1, 2010

Becky's Farm TV: Milk Goats

Becky visits a goat farm and learns about dairy goats, and pygmy goats.



  1. Great video. Thanks for the interest in our farm and kids. Kat

  2. Thanks Becky, I don't know why but your vidoes make me feel relaxed. I loved this one, but I really love the videos on your chickens. I have a nice hen house with six hen and a rooster coop with 4 roosters. I have 10 2 week old chicks. They are really a lot of fun. I found your videos when we were started out with keeping chickens. Great job, Keep them coming. Thanks again!

  3. Would you like to learn to milk a dairy goat? I will be milking on Thurs.a.m..Come on over.

  4. fun video! this is a silly question probably, but can you just keep milking a goat all year long? She said she only milked part of the year. Don't they dry up for good if you stop milking? Also, can i buy a dairy goat that's already giving milk? i assume they have to give birth in order to give milk. I don't want to breed goats to have milk though! I just want to girls for milking.

  5. Love this! Kathy let me know about your site over on my main blog's FB page, but I also have a blog just for my goaties at Goat Berries :)
