Monday, May 31, 2010

What I Have Been Doing!!!

I have been busy this spring on my cabin, finally passed my electrical inspection, Yes, yes, yes!! I feel like I need a mental and emotional vacation after that. Electrical has been the hardest part of building this cabin so far. Onward and upward now. Next is some sheet rock and more tile work. I like both of those. Of course money is always an issue to plan and finagal to get the things done that I want to get done. It all works out, SLOWLY.
I just pulled all my onions YUM, and planted zucchini in it's place. I also decided that I need to start my plants from seeds this year. I was buying them as little plants from garden stores, but that gets pricey after a while. With every passing year I realize gardening is a learned skill that is getting lost in the consumer lifestyle. It takes a lot of know how to be good.
I also got a new house. I got a stunning black and white leopard appaloosa gelding. I love appaloosa's they are smart and sensitive and gentle. I will show him in my next podcast. That's all for now stay tuned. Happy Homesteading Becky


  1. It is good to hear what you have been up to lately as I have missed your videos!
    And I think you meant that you got a new "horse" rather than a new "house". I look forward to seeing him in your next podcast.

  2. Congrats on the electrical! I am sure it feels good to have power through the house.
    We plant seed every year. I agree it's way to pricey.
    I loved the video on the goats. We just got a dairy goat last week. My husband and I have been building a goat shed for her. We have another goat coming at the end of the week. She is a little lonely right now. She does like my little dog Mr.G. So they have been playing. She is such a sweet heart.
    Are you still looking into getting goats?
    Well, thanks for the update. I will be looking out for the new video. Have a great week!
